Columbus Home Renovation

We Are Grateful For You!


Thank you, thank you, thank you! We can’t say thanks enough to those of you who have utilized our design services at Residential Designed Solutions for your home building and remodeling projects. We appreciate the confidence you have in us to create your dreams. 

In addition, we send our deepest thanks to those of you who have referred us to your friends and family for their design needs. We are so appreciative of your willingness to spread our name! Please be sure to continue to refer us to your friends and family.

And to those of your repeaters-you get our thanks, too! Knowing that you loved what we designed for you the first time enough to have us create another design for you as well means the world to us.

We are humbled by the outpouring of respect, sharing, and allowing us to be part of your vision for your new home, renovation or addition, or personalized plans. We love designing homes at RDS and thank you for your trust in us.

Surprise and Inspiration at RDS 2018


As 2018 comes to an end, we look forward to what 2019 is going to bring. We’ve been reflecting on 2018 here at Residential Designed Solutions, asking the question to our designers and staff, "What has surprised/inspired you this year and how, both professionally and personally?” Our answers are as varied and unique as all of us and we want to share them with you. Ask yourself the same question! You might be surprised by the answer.

Jim Wright


A new design challenge always brings a little extra adrenaline to the process. With the Evans Farm development coming online this year and providing the opportunity to design a Parade of Homes house, I’m finding that absorbing and working within the very specific architectural guidelines is adding some design excitement! It is always inspiring to be part of the initial design process in a master planned community.

On the personal side, we welcomed our first grandchild in February, a very handsome and inquisitive little boy. He is telling us all about a lot of things, is crawling, and has just discovered that floor registers are removable! We enjoy spending as much time with him as possible, as you can imagine.

Hylas Stemen

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This year at RDS has brought new responsibilities. Some have allowed me to grow in areas that are new; others have allowed me to revisit areas that I thoroughly enjoy. The Front Porch Friday videos have been fun and challenging at the same time. I often prefer the behind the scenes approach and there is nothing behind the scenes about being on camera! Providing clients with color selection assistance for their new projects has given me another avenue to use my creativity. From tiles to granite, to cabinets and paint colors, it’s been a pleasure helping clients see their projects really come together. I am hopeful that both avenues will continue to help RDS grow our business and brand to the public, as well as within the building industry.

Personally, in May of 2017, my 16-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia. After extensive treatments last year, trips to Philadelphia for immunotherapy over the winter, and missing the entire school year, he received a bone marrow transplant in March of this year. He is back to school cancer-free this fall and doing very well. We are enjoying the good days! His experience has taught me the valuable lesson that ‘Every Day is a Gift.’ We continue to pray that his good health remains, and continues to get better.


Michelle Bush


Professionally, I was inspired by our Front Porch Friday series. I have learned a lot from them and even though I was a fan of DIY projects to begin with, after a little research on different topics, I feel even more confident to take on more projects on my own. I also feel as though from learning all of these new things that I am also a little wiser on not taking on some projects that I would have otherwise because now I know what is actually involved.

Personally, I’d say I’m a little surprised at how much life can change in one year. Justin and I had been planning to start a family, but planning and having it actually begin to happen are two different things. It has been a year full of mixed emotions and excitement. I am excited for what the remainder of the year holds for us.


Caleb Frost

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On April 2nd, seven months ago, I stepped out of my car and walked into Residential Designed Solutions. I was on the edge of a new beginning personally and professionally and didn’t fully appreciate the challenges and rewards that awaited me. 

One of my favorite childhood pastimes was to sit at the window in my room and daydream about house designs. One day it would be a rugged mountain cabin defying its natural surroundings and the next day a quaint getaway by a peaceful trickling stream. I would then sketch these simple conceptions in my graph paper notebook. As is true of most sketches these were simple representations of space and form, completely devoid of the detail necessary to make such structures stand in the real world. Now this romantic love of childhood was going to be what I would do every day. The stage for my surprise and future inspiration was set.

Working at RDS hasn’t been all a daydream through the windows of imagination. There has been a lot to learn about the practice of architectural drafting. Along the way I have come to appreciate the detail and accuracy that goes into even the simplest construction drawing sets. I’ve been brought face to face with some of my personal weaknesses; acknowledged them and endeavored to use them to become stronger. The journey has encouraged me to continue growing personally and professionally. 

I am blessed to work with the team here at RDS. They work continually to create strategies and procedures that enable us to meet the demands of an ever- changing market. Their commitment to providing a higher quality of service for the amazing people we work with inspires me. There have been many lessons from this that I have taken for myself. To each of my coworkers here at RDS and those of you I get to work with a big thank you. This November I’m thankful to be a member of the RDS team.


Dominic Luppino


Watching my two daughters grow into adulthood, each adjusting to new challenges this year (one starting college, the other beginning a career as a pharmacy technician) has both surprised and inspired me. They have reached far with bravery and enthusiasm and that inspires me in my work and personal life.



Barb Marquis


In the past year, I have been inspired professionally by witnessing fair and honest business practices. Whether the account is large or small, the consistency of doing business with honesty and integrity is considered a core value of the company.  

On a personal note, these values are also practiced when interacting with associates of RDS. It is an honor to be a part of the RDS team.


All of us here at RDS wish you the best for these last days of 2018. As 2019 approaches, should you be in the need of home renovation plans or a new house plan, our designers would love to surprise and inspire you with our thoughtful and well-designed house plans!

Thanks to Our Clients!


As we quickly approach the start of the family holiday season, we are reminded of all the wonderful folks we have had an opportunity to work with over this past year. You invite us into your lives to help you with designing a new home for your family or reimagining your existing home to better meet your needs and we consider it an honor to be asked to do so. We thoroughly enjoy working together solving challenges and helping you to realize your dreams.

We wish each of you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and the happiest of holiday seasons!

Thanks to Our Builders and Industry Friends


To all our building, remodeling and industry friends that we have had the opportunity to work with over this past year we say thank you! It is always a pleasure and honor for us to be allowed to play a part in your construction projects. We enjoy working with you, as one of your team members, to help your homeowners realize their dreams.

We wish all of you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and the happiest of holiday seasons!

Inspiration Sources! #beinspired


Are you ready to make some changes to your home or sell yours and build a new home? Do you know where to find inspiration for new ideas? We love inspiration and are always looking for new sources to help our clients visualize what they have been dreaming about or provide them with ideas when they didn’t know they needed them. Luckily, there is inspiration available everywhere!

2018 BIA Parade of Homes

One of the biggest sources of inspiration is right around the corner. The BIA Parade of Homes is an ultimate source of creativity whether you are looking to find ideas for building a home or just making updates to your own home. Colors, designs, floorplans, use of space, furniture styles, fantastic appliances; you name it and you will see what is new, trending, coming soon, and timeless, classic features. 

When: September 1st-16th, 2018

Where: Eversole Run at Jerome Village. Jerome Village is located in Jerome Township, in the Dublin City School District. Jerome Village is stunning, with 13 neighborhoods and a community center with pool, fitness center, and restaurant. 

What better way to find new ideas than by winding your way through this year’s seven stunning homes? 

This year’s participants are:

·     3 Pillar Homes

·     Arthur Rutenburg Homes

·     Bob Webb Homes

·     Coppertree Homes

·     Manor Homes

·     Memmer Homes 

·     Romanelli & Hughes

For more information about this year’s event, click here.

Our Downloadable Form for the Parade

While you’re visiting each home, why not jot down ideas and floorplans that inspire you? In order to make this easier for you, we’ve created a form for you to download and use at the Parade. Love the lighting, the floorplan, the paint colors, design pieces, outside areas, and more? 

Use this sheet to keep track of everything that you want to think more about and not forget!  Parade Form

More Inspiration

Can’t make it to the Parade this year? Don’t worry!  See what inspires us and what we have designed for our clients. We’d love to meet with you and help your inspirations come alive.

You can visit our:

·      Houzz page

·      Pinterest page

·      Our website

NARI Home Improvement Tour

Another event to remember, and we will share more information with you soon, is the upcoming NARI Home Improvement Tour on September 15th & 16th. (We’re even creating a form for you to use at this event.)

All of us here at RDS love creating designs for new homes and remodeling projects. Call us and let’s get your ideas down on paper, revealing your dreams and turning them into your reality. 






Get Your Home Ready to Sell 101


Is it finally time? Time to sell your home? Of course, if it is, you want it to sell quickly. But that takes a bit of planning on your part. Just listing it with an agent isn’t enough. You need to plan, clean, and maybe do some work to get it ready to sell. Even though we are in a seller’s market, the better you make your home look, the faster and easier it should sell, even increasing your chance of selling above asking price.

At RDS, we meet with people daily that are ready to design and build a new home, while selling their existing home. Often, the conversation turns to how long it will take them to sell their existing home. That is the question, isn’t it? We’ve done the research, scoured the Internet, talked with people, and have come up with a list of projects you can easily tackle yourself and some that you might need a professional to do. Now get busy and ready to get top dollar for your current home. We’d love to design your new one for you!

Let Go and Declutter:

The hardest thing to do is to view your home as a potential buyer, not the one living in the home. Remind yourself that the home isn’t going to be yours much longer and see it with a critical eye. What can you get rid of? What won’t appeal to a potential buyer? 

  • Get rid of clutter. You want the rooms in your home to appear as large as possible. Clear off bookshelves, end tables, countertops, and anyplace you have collectibles, art objects, and things you just haven’t found a place for. 
  • Take down personal photos, especially if you have many of them hanging. Buyers want to see themselves in the home and pictures of your family can be distracting. 
  • Do you have a designated kids’ space or are there toys strewn everywhere? Organize the kids’ space, box up everything you can and remove toys from around the home. 
  • Clear out your closets so that they appear larger. You might want to invest in a simple storage system if your closet doesn’t have adequate shelving. 
  • Now is the time to go through everything. Sell, donate, and throw away what you don’t need or want. It’s easier to get rid of it now instead of moving it and then going through the boxes when you unpack.
  • Your kitchen cabinets need to be organized and clean. People will open up the cabinets to check how much storage is available. If you have them packed, the message is clear that there isn’t enough space! 
  • Box up everything that isn’t necessary for day-to-day living. 

Appearances Matter:

You only get one chance at a first impression (if they’ve actually made it through the front door) and nothing sets the tone like a clean and tidy home. 

  • Your home needs to be as clean as possible. If you can, hire a cleaning company to do a deep cleaning for you. If that isn’t an option, spend a day cleaning baseboards, windows, trim, tops of doors, ceiling fans, light fixtures, window frames and sills, and anything else that may not have been cleaned for a while. Thoroughly dust and sweep everything.
  • Clean the carpets, hardwoods, and tile floors. 
  • If you have pets, make sure the pet smell is gone. That can be an immediate turn off for buyers that don’t have pets themselves. If you aren’t sure if your house has a smell, ask a trusted pet-less neighbor to give your house the smell test!
  • Change out light bulbs in your home to bright white or blue-tinted bulbs, not yellow/soft white ones, especially in darker rooms. This will make the home brighter.
  • Remove heavy, dark drapes or curtains and replace them with sheer curtains or leave the curtains off altogether. This lets loads of natural light in the rooms. 

Make Minor/Major Repairs:

Some repairs might be more than you want to do, and you might already have that worked into the sale of the home, or you aren’t planning on making them. But, making some repairs can go a long way in getting the most money for your home. 

  • All homes settle and develop cracks over time, but you don’t want that to be what potential buyers see. Hire a good handyman and get those ceiling and wall cracks repaired.
  • Repaint if needed, whether it is inside or outside. Cracked or peeling paint or very personal paint colors could turn off a buyer. 
  • Fix any holes in the walls, repair leaky faucets (outside ones, too), check that doors open and close properly and quietly, and windows work.
  • Replace any burned out light bulbs and be sure your electricity is up to code. 
  • If you have good hardwood floors, use them to your advantage. Make sure they are cleaned and refinished. Consider pulling up any old carpeting that might be covering them. Buyers want hardwoods!
  • Speaking of carpeting, replace it if it is worn and beyond cleaning.
  • If you can, get rid of any wallpaper. That is a big turn off for some people; especially if they are looking for a home they can immediately move into without having to make many changes. 
  • Update whatever you can in the kitchen, whether it is appliances, faucets, fixtures, or lighting. 

Create Curb Appeal:

The first impression might be the only one you get. Some buyers can see past what a home looks like in order to see the potential, but most buyers can be turned off and never enter a home if it doesn’t make some kind of a good first impression. 

  • Wash the house! There should be no evidence of mildew or mold on the home. Just power washing to remove dirt and grime will make a big difference. 
  • Clean the gutters out. There should not be any leaves or growing plants visible. Plus, a good inspector will go up on the roof and inspect them, so be sure they are in good working order. 
  • Weeds and unkempt grass are a big deterrent to potential buyers. Keep your lawn mowed and weed free.
  • Paint the house or the trim, or both if necessary. If you can’t afford to have the house painted, just painting the door and shutters will be a quick facelift.
  • Is the front porch/entryway inviting? It should make people want to enter. Use color, a wreath, good lighting, a few potted plants, or a seating area to welcome them.
  • If you are selling your home in the winter, provide photos of the landscaping during the open houses or when buyers come to see the home. That way people can see what the house looks like in the spring and summer. 

Stage It:

  • Move furniture around so that it showcases the room. Remove excess furniture and make sure that the room is easy to walk around. That giant treadmill isn’t going to do you any favors in the bedroom. 
  • If a room is painted a very bold or unique color, consider repainting it to a more neutral color. Most buyers will repaint a home, but if they see they don’t have to do it immediately, you’ve just made it easier to sell. 
  • Add a few live plants and some pops of color with pillows and blankets. Even a new bedspread can add to the allure of the room. 
  • Set the table or only have a centerpiece on it. Keep it looking like a place buyers want to sit with friends and family.
  • Clear off kitchen countertops, but add some color. A bowl of limes or lemons, a bright pot on the stove, or a colorful vase of flowers will do wonders. Put all appliances away to showcase the countertop space. 
  • During showings make sure the beds are made, lights are turned on, pets are put away, curtains are open, windows cleaned, furniture dusted, carpets vacuumed (vacuum lines go a long way) and home feels welcoming and inviting. Your goal is for someone to walk in and realize that the home is loved and cared for!
  • Create an inviting smell by baking cookies before the showing (and leave for potential buyers to eat) or brew a pot of coffee.

Just remember that when you’re getting ready to sell, you have to remove all emotion and attachment that you have to the home. Look at each room critically, as you would if you were buying the home. What can you change, update, or leave as is? The better your home looks, the faster and easier it should sell. And if you’re ready to build a new home, our designers would be honored to design your dream home for you. 




Backsplash Thoughts


How many times have you wandered into someone’s kitchen or bath, or have been watching the DIY and Home shows on TV, and thought, “Wow, I wish I had a backsplash like that!”  As designers, we are always on the hunt for the best and most innovative backsplash ideas, designs, and options.

Our latest Front Porch Friday Video Series DIY Backsplash talked about different aspects of a do it yourself backsplash, but we also wanted to make sure you knew a couple things before you got started. Whether you DIY it or have the professionals do the installing, making a final selection can be overwhelming. The professionals at a reputable local tile distributor can help you. Designing and selecting the right tile is what they do!

What to think about:

What should you think about when planning to install a backsplash? There are several things to consider when making the leap into backsplashes. Your home’s personality will most certainly be reflected through your choices. 

The main goal is to showcase the cabinets, countertops, theme, and flooring in your kitchen or bath. It can serve as a focal point and a place to be as creative as you want. Use it to draw attention or just to unify the space.

If you’re not installing upper cabinets, then the backsplash choice becomes a much bigger design decision. Cost, function, and form need to be determined when choosing materials. 

Backsplash materials are available in all kinds of styles, finishes, and materials, so take time to research all options and choose what it is that you’re trying to accomplish in the space. Are you making a statement,  adding some color or texture, making it the focal point, or using it to complement the other features in the room? 

Learn what you’ll need to do to keep it looking its best. Does it need to be sealed every year, is it hard to clean, will it scratch or discolor?  

The color may be somewhat determined by your countertop color. Go bold for some drama. Add pops of color without committing to color everywhere. Choose a neutral color if your countertops are full of color. Whatever you choose, it needs to complement the countertops, flooring, and paint used in the room. 

Size and Shape:
If you are using tile, don’t just think normal rectangular pieces of tile as your only option. Tiles come in sheets with a built-in pattern or they can be octagonal, hexagon, square, and more. They range in size from very large all the way down to about an inch square. They come in individual pieces or sheets. What size and shape you choose will be determined by the size and space you want to fill. 

Decorative and Primary Tile:
If you are going to use several types of tile, do some research before purchasing. The primary tiles should be thicker than the decorative tiles so that you don’t have to build up all of the tiles, just the decorative ones. 

The options are endless! Spend time in stores just looking around. Visit some model homes and ask what was used. Search online and read about some of the options that we’ve listed for you. Remember-it doesn’t have to be tile. There are many other materials and styles that you could use! 

Subway tile
Tiles made from 100% bamboo
Recycled glass or plate glass
Glass pebbles or sea glass
Stainless steel sheets
Metallic tiles
Natural Stone
Bead Board
Resin Panels

One point to keep in mind is the grout. Don’t use a cheap grout, or you’ll be replacing it within a few years. The grout is the cohesive piece in this design, so invest in the good stuff. 

Things to Try:

Set some samples up on the wall after the countertops and cabinets have been installed, or at least are set up in the kitchen. What might have looked amazing in the store might not work with your lighting and other design choices when everything is actually installed in the kitchen or bath. 

If you’re going with a solid color and the same shape tile for the area, play around with the pattern. Try a herringbone pattern, a diagonal, a staggered look, or the standard stack style. 

Do you have an area above the range or sink that is larger than the rest of the areas to be tiled or covered? Use a different tile or pattern to create more visual interest. In a shower, use a different tile running vertically or horizontally.

You might want to install a backsplash yourself like we discussed on the video or have professionals complete the install. Whatever you do, adding a backsplash will create a stunning look. Let our designers help you create the perfect spaces in your next new build or remodel.  

Spruce Up the Front of Your Home!

Light it up! A well lit exterior can not only provide safety at night, but also enhance the flair and drama of your home.

Light it up! A well lit exterior can not only provide safety at night, but also enhance the flair and drama of your home.

Summer is right around the corner and that means we will be spending even more time outdoors; neighbors out walking in the neighborhood, kids playing and riding their bikes, and maybe even some get togethers at your place. But what does the front of your home look like? Does it have the curb appeal you’d really like or could it use a little help?

At RDS, one of our Front Porch Friday Videos - Curb Appeal Tips dealt with just this topic. We’ve got sprucing up on the brain, so we wanted to share more tips to help you get the front of your home looking its best! And the best part? It doesn’t have to break the bank to accomplish it!

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Front Porch:

Your front porch is the first thing people notice. Is it welcoming or will it scare people away? A well-designed and interesting front porch not only provides great curb appeal, but it invites people in! So what can you do?

  • Fill colorful containers with beautiful flowers and greens and place in groups on your porch.

  • If your porch is large enough, put a couple of chairs out so you can sit and chat with neighbors.

Before brick was painted.

Before brick was painted.

After brick was painted.

After brick was painted.

Painted Brick:

Many homes have brick exteriors. It’s timeless and a staple when building. But does it need a facelift? Many people love the look of brick, but not the bold reddish hues. One change you can make is to paint it. Painting it will update the look and freshen up the front of your home. Choose a color that will coordinate with any adjacent siding. Two popular options include choosing the same color as the siding or a shade or two darker or lighter. 

Window Pediments (or Headpieces):

Window pediments give your home proper dressing on the outside, much like window treatments do on the inside. Window pediments come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so choosing a style that works with your home’s architectural style is important. Choose to reinforce the style of your home or bring out more of your home’s character. If window pediments aren’t your thing, or you want to do more, add shutters if they will work on your home. 

More Sprucing Tips:


Garage Door: Look at your garage door. Does it need a thorough cleaning? Is it time for a new paint color? Maybe the hardware needs to be updated or replaced. Or is it time to replace the door with a new wooden door, a door with windows, or a whole glass door? You can change the whole look of your home with a new garage door. 


Window Boxes: Window boxes are simple, yet effective ways to add pops of color and depth to the front of your home. There are a variety of styles, materials, and colors available, allowing you the option to customize the look you want to achieve. 

What’s Around Your Front Door: Sometimes it’s the smallest details that can make the difference. Replacing the hardware on the front door, the house numbers or the mailbox are easy changes to make, yet add flair to the front of your home. 

Light it Up! You’ve made many improvements and now it’s time to show it off! Exterior lighting can provide you not only with safety at night but a little flair and drama. Uplighting in front of your home can light up trees, landscape, and exterior details. Change out existing lighting for new and trendier lighting. Don’t forget to light up your garage door. 

Give your home a whole new look with just a little dressing up on the front of your home. You can choose to do a little or a lot. But whatever you do, it’s going to go a long way to help up the curb appeal of your home. Our designers would be thrilled to help you do even more and redesign the front of your existing home or design a new home for you. Contact us to get your project started today!

Closet Organization – Tips and Tricks


Be honest – when you look in your closet, is it as organized as you’d like it to be? Or could it use some help? Our latest Front Porch Friday video, Closet Organization, is full of tips and tricks. We want to help you get organized. We can even design a new closet for you when we design your new bedroom! 

An organized closet can lessen your stress when getting dressed and ready for your day! Recapture time as you easily find just the right outfit for that important meeting or date night. Organizing, whether it’s the kitchen cabinets or your bedroom closet is very personal, so you have to do what works for you. 

What to Do:

Evaluate the Space:

  • You can’t evaluate the space unless you look at it critically with everything in it. Take a photo if you need to so you can compare before and after!
  • Picture your closet with four zones; overhead, eye level, mid level, and floor level. Are you getting the most out of all of these areas?
  • Where do you need more space? Do you hang most of your clothing? Or is most of it folded? Do you have lots of shoes?
  • Take everything out of the closet and do a second evaluation. Do you have dead space where shelves could be added? Is the closet deep enough to hang something from the back of the door? Is it large enough for a built-in or freestanding dresser? 
  • If you’re lucky enough to have a walk-in closet, can it be customized to give you even more space?
  • Sort your clothing into keep, donate, and pitch. Be realistic and honest with yourself. Will you ever wear that dress or shirt again?
  • If you can’t decide on certain clothing items and whether you need them, hang all of your clothes with the hangers facing in the “wrong” direction. Every time you wear something, hang it back with the hanger in the “right” direction. At the end of the season, see what hangers haven’t been turned. Maybe now you’ll see what you can really get rid of. 


There are a huge variety of organizers available for closets. What you choose will depend on your needs. 

  • Hangers come in different sizes and materials. Slim, wide, wooden, non-slip and plastic hangers are all designed to help you make the most of your closet. Plastic hangers come in many colors and styles. These are perfect for t-shirts, casual shirts, and jeans. Non-slip hangers work well for silky material and are designed to keep any clothing from slipping. Wooden hangers that are curved are best for sweaters and jackets. Hangers with clips make hanging pants and skirts easy and wrinkle-free. Slim hangers allow you more space for clothes, especially if you have a smaller closet. 
  • Using hooks, shoe organizers, baskets, shelves, dressers, different sized plastic bins, and towel bars provide you with a plethora of options for organizing. All you need is a closet and some ingenuity to make it work for you. 


You’ve got the organizers; you’ve sorted your clothing, shoes, and accessories. Now how can you best reorganize?

  • Hooks are perfect for hanging bulky items like purses, handbags, bulky sweatshirts, or fleece jackets.
  • Shoe organizers are not only good for shoes but also other items like sweaters or sweatshirts, keeping them from stretching out. Plus, it’s easy to see them since they are separated.
  • In dresser drawers, use drawer organizers to separate belts, ties, socks, underwear, and bras.
  • Roll t-shirts and stand them on end in dresser drawers, baskets, or plastic see-through bins. It takes up less space and you can easily find the one you want. Plus, they don’t wrinkle as much.
  • A basket filled with socks or underwear is easy to pull out from a shelf. 
  • Organize by color, function, style, and use. Keep dressy clothes in one area, exercise and casual clothing front and center, and work clothes where you can easily mix and match. 
  • Towel bars can be hung on a wall. Tie scarves to them or hang up high-heeled shoes. They’re easy to see and doesn’t take up valuable rod or floor space. 
  • Raising the closet bar higher allows you to hang a second bar or add shelving or a dresser underneath it.
  • Shelf dividers allow you to stack sweaters up higher since they will be held in place.
  • Shelf brackets can have a whole new use! Flip over a shelf bracket and sort items by type and hang with curtain clips.

The sky’s the limit with your closets! Even a small closet can be better organized. Be creative, use the ideas we’ve suggested, and if you’re ready, contact us to help you design a home (and closets) for you!



How to Prepare For Your First Design Appointment

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You’ve decided you’re ready to build a new home or maybe you’re ready to redesign a room or rooms in your existing home. Our designers here at RDS are very skilled when designing rooms and new homes, but there are some things we would love for you to do before meeting with us for your first design appointment. 

Start With Measuring:

When you meet with us and say, “I want a large Master Suite, or Bathroom, or Great Room”, we’re going to ask you what large means to you. So start by measuring your existing room(s) to see what we have to work with, and how much you might want to add or change (if possible). If you’re starting with a new home, go outside where you have space and measure out what you’re thinking, or go into that room you love in your friend’s house and measure the room. Having an idea of the size of your current rooms, or what your dream sized room or home might be will help us understand your vision.

We Love Photos:

“Every picture has a story to tell” and while we love seeing photos of your children, we really want to see photos of the rooms you want to change and photos of rooms you’ve fallen in love with for a new home or redesigned space. When you meet with us the first time, having photos of the rooms in your home that you want to redesign, gives us a first look. In the same vein, having those inspiration photos from Houzz, Pinterest, your favorite sites, and actual photos, helps us to understand your vision. The more photos the better, they give us more insight into your dreams, making it easier for us to make them your reality. 

Our First Meeting:

If you’re planning a new build, we’ll meet with you at the office so we can get to know your needs and wants, answer and ask questions, and check out those inspirational photos. If you are remodeling, we typically first meet at your home, giving us a first-hand look at the space and your vision for transforming it.  

Our designers can’t wait to meet with you, see your photos (including the ones of your kids!), and get the process started to redesign your existing rooms or help you create your new home.

Check out our Front Porch Friday Video - How to Prepare for Your First Design Appointment